![]() In the past month, I have made small shifts in my thinking which have created mammoth shifts in my reality. I am going to share some things with you and I want you to take notice to how you feel as I share them. I am a keynote speaker and I also hold my own events. On April 8th, I get to go give my Superman Physiology Talk to a whole school of over 300 children. Then I was just asked to speak in front of 400 lawyers in Ohio in October and they want me to speak on The Power Of Mentorship. I have a 99 Day Dare that didn't even officially open enrollment yet and it's almost sold out (30 spots left!). I was just hired to privately to coach 3 new clients. My inbox is full with messages to go through full of people who want to work with me. I am picking up incredible speed and I am planning my next big event! Why am I telling you all of this? Well... Because ... The world will give you anything you are willing to ask for and believe you deserve. I have had this vision in my mind for years. I am on stage and the crowd is going wild. I stand in front of 10,000 people and I am smiling and grateful. I help wake up and shake their world. You see, up until about a year and a half ago, I thought wanting what I wanted was selfish. I thought having my dreams come true was a selfish act. I would see others succeed and I would get incredibly jealous or say oh they are so lucky. It wasn't until I shifted my beliefs that the world outside started to change instantly. Your beliefs and your thoughts shape the world around you. It's just that simple. Everyone tries to complicate this. I changed my belief about seeing people succeed and instead of getting jealous, I was excited and happy for them because if they could do it, that meant I could too! I started to believe that I deserved my dreams to come true. I believed I deserved love. I started to respect others, and really see them for who they were. At this past UPW, a few Rockstars joked with me that I would need security because so many people were coming up to me. They said my story inspired them to take leaps of faith into the dark on their own lives. At this seminar, I was able to share my story, and I was able to allow the world to see me for who I really was. I am just so grateful right now for my mentors. Without them, I would not be where I am. People ask me all the time, "How did you do it?" I tell them I listened to Tony Robbins when he said to find a mentor that had what I wanted. I asked Ass shaking rockstar Joseph Mcclendon to be my mentor. I keep moving forward despite others around me telling me to get a real job, that my dreams were impossible, and that I should really be more realistic. I stopped hanging around with anyone that told me my dreams were not achievable. I kept moving forward despite failures. I started to tell the story of my life the way I wanted it to be rather then the way that it was! I remember though one thorn in my arm through out the past year. That was my own self doubt in my abilities to help others. Let me tell you, when you are doubtful about your abilities everyone knows it. They can feel it. I was helping people all along the way, but it wasn't until I made the shift at my last UPW that literally I feel like my whole world changed instantly. I accepted the gifts that were in me. I thanked God for the gifts he had giving me. I got on my knees and cried I was so grateful for my life. Then it happened, I started to feel the incredible force that has been around me this whole time. All doubt was dissolved and replaced with faith. All weakness's were instantly transformed into strengths. God, the universe, source, love, infinite intelligence whatever you want to call it based on your beliefs. I could not hold this in my hands per say, I could not see it with my eyes, but I could feel it. It's pure love for me, for the world, for each soul. I embraced this force into my heart and then realized it had been there all along. It's the power that every soul has access too within themselves. I felt more elevated and alive then I ever have in my whole life. I just feel illuminated within. I put this picture up because I am sending you love. Right now in this moment I am sending you love and smile in your heart. The best advice I could give you is to have faith in the invisible. Just because you can't see it or touch it or hear it doesn't mean it's not there helping you towards your greatest self. Accept the gifts The universe has placed within you. Follow the whispers of your heart. And just remember when you are at your lowest point, surrounded by darkness, heaviness, bills, frustration, and not sure how you are going to make it... Remember... Victory is near. Don't give up like most do, two feet from Gold. Sending you hugs, Hugh gives, and pattern breaking ass slaps, Carolyn Rim Aka Americas Top Confidence Coach REQUEST TO JOIN THE 2000 PLUS ROCKSTARS MAKING DREAMS COME TRUE: I lied to you all.
I want to get honest right now. As you all know by now, I do my best to keep it real for you all. Let's get REALLY HONEST HERE. So I have had 4 events in the past year. My first event was on Feb 21st, 2015. I didn't spend much and only had about 15 people come and only two of those people bought tickets for $65 but I had to invest in parking and travel. I broke even on thatone. Then I had no money to invest in my next one so I just started selling tickets to an event with no venue on May 1st. I sold 43 tickets for $99 and I ended up being gifted a vacant building but I needed a screen and projector. I didn't want to buy a cheap one so I invested in a great screen and projector and made no profit. Every event I kept thinking I was going to make a profit from but it kept bombing. Especially with the one at Franklin Institute with Jairek Robbins, I made a ton of mistakes and booked a non profit for the place to have it that was 10k. Then I hired a speaker for 10k. Actually, I made a ton of mistakes with that event and the ones before it. It was a freaking nightmare. I didn't make a dime with the Franklin Institute event. In fact- I lost money. I sold over 70 plus tickets to that event for a Ticket price of between $99 and $499. I kept coaching people and using all that money to fund it. I keep creating online products like the 99 Day SYR Dare to stay barely a float. I kept going one inch at a time. I borrowed money from my dad, John Anthony Rim and from anyone who was willing to help me with my dream. I took out loans, and did whatever it took to make it happen. Want me to get even more honest? Just 4 months ago, I almost lost my house ... I was 2 months behind in mortgage payments and I was so scared that they would kick my little girl and I out of our home but I just kept going. I kept pushing. I kept striving. I cried on my kitchen floor. I worried. I felt awful at times and at some points, I doubted and didn't know if all this was worth it. It was too hard to live my dreams and I just wanted to give up. But I just kept going and even now in this moment I have tears streaming down my face. This was the hardest year of my life. I quit smoking, quit my job, my husband left me, I sold tickets to events with no venue, I built websites, I failed, I succeeded, I built fb communities, I built my dreams one brick at a time. Tonight my friends, I am celebrating. Why? Because tonight after everyone was paid out and the numbers were crunched, I made a profit for the first time on a Spark Your Rockstar event. I sold 12 tickets ranging from $799 to 1k each. So that means each event my ticket price kept rising over the past year. I finally made a profit that was actually worth all the hours and days and weeks that went into making this retreat happen. This is a picture of the retreat and the woman who helped make it happen. Huge thank you to Sifu Terryann Deangeles and Betsy Green for helping create and produce this event. This would not have happened without them. I am crying tears of gratitude right now because I am so grateful I didn't give up. I had many great mentors, clients, and friends through out this process who encouraged me and challenged me to step up and I am grateful for all of you. Tomorrow with some of the profit, I am going to book a little 3 day weekend for my daughter and I to go swim with dolphins. I know it may not seem like a lot to you, but for me this is a huge win as my little girl deserves this trip so much and I kept telling her all last year I would make it happen. I love her so much and was so excited to see her tonight and share this news that when I picked her up from her dads place, I started running across the street to her and I fell running full speed and literally slid across the concrete. I was in so much pain and ripped my pants and was bleeding but I still was crying and smiling at the same time. I kept saying I was just so excited to see her and share the news. She gave me the biggest hug ever and said, "All we have to do is be together mommy. We don't need to swim with dolphins to have a good time," she said. I just smiled as I looked at her and brought her in close to me and kissed her head. My little girl constantly teaches me lessons daily. I know I am no where near Perfect and have much to learn, because I am student for life, but tonight I am celebrating myself, for not giving up on my dreams. On not giving up on the vision I see so clearly in my mind. I urge you wherever you are in your own evolution of life that you keep moving forward. Too often times do people give up, when they are truly only two feet from gold. Just keep going. Keep taking leaps into the dark with child like faith. One inch at a time if you must- Just Keep Moving Forward and bridging the gap from where you are now to where you want to be. Sending you hugs, high fives, and pattern breaking ass slaps, Carolyn Rim Aka America's Top Confidence Coach Request to Join the Rockstar Community, the place where dreams do come true: www.facebook.com/groups/SparkEnergy/ |
Spark Your Rockstar