I know some of you know my story for those who don't I wanted to post this. None of this is made up. This are the events that took place after I attend a seminar. All of the events in this post are true.
I remember the night before I took off for UPW Dallas, I couldn't sleep it felt like it was Christmas night and I was a little child again. The excitement of something new, magical, and out of the ordinary. I finally close my eyes & sleep, dreaming about love field... Dallas... Bright lights... & the mammoth man himself, Tony Robbins. I am thinking about all this because 9 months ago today, I bought a ticket that would change my world forever. I remember looking at the prices for diamond premiere, diamond, executive and general. I only had $36 dollars in the bank. I sit on the phone with Kelly Phillips as she explained the benefits of Unleash the power within. For the first time in years, I felt alive and awake with this challenge placed in front of me. I always allowed a lack of money, lack of time, I had a family, be my excuse why I didn't go after what I truly wanted in my life. I told her to hold my ticket, I was going to find a way to afford diamond premiere ticket. I didn't call my husband who would most likely tell me that I was crazy for spending 3,000 on a ticket and that you all were a cult. I knew what my family and friends would say. So I decided I wasn't going to call anyone that would talk me out of going. I called the bank, I took out a personal loan for 5,000 to pay for my hotel, my flight, and one diamond premiere ticket! I called Kelly and said book the ticket. Over the next 8 days I called her and fear and self doubt came rising came welling up to the surface as I almost cancelled once or twice, but she assured me I had just made a life changing decision. Here's the short version: day 1 walk over fire with 6,000 badass Rockstars Day 2 after 15 years of a pack a day habit, I quit smoking bc Tony Robbins coach Scott. (I am a nonsmoker still) wink emoticon yes! Day 3 stepped into future self -- magical empowering dickens process Day 4 decide I am not leaving this place with out a mentor. Joseph only had 3 body guards and Tony had 7. I decide to on 3 and charge stage, plus 3 security guards and ask Joseph M to be my mentor by a note that says "Ready set mentor me!" Day 5 after event I got home... Everything had changed. I looked at everything from a new mindset a new perspective. I started seeing "problems" as "opportunities to scan for the positive & expand." 6 days after event: Hi Carolyn this is Joseph McClendon from Tony Robbins. I will be your mentor. Call me. (Still have this voicemail saved!) 6 days after event after the message:yesssssssssssss!!! Jumping up and down excited! The one and only Joseph! Life will never be the same again! 9 days after event: I put in my two weeks at work. 14 days after event: Find a job paying triple and one that will help me and support my other passions. 68 Days after the event: My husband came to me and said it was over and he was leaving me. He said his wife never came home from Dallas. 69 Days after the event: I am vulnerable and scared to be alone. I make a post about how my husband said his wife never got off the plane from Dallas. I felt like for a while he was shouting at me to be small. Be happy and just settle. Why be obsessed with significance & money he would say. He didn't understand it had nothing to do with those things. You see, I always had this desire to rise and be this rockstar warrior woman and give more of myself to others and be an open book. He told me my dream of being a motivational speaker would never happen and was ridiculous. It was Upw that ignited the flame within my soul and there was no way to put out the fire the passion inside. I knew him leaving was the right thing to do, as the universe was doing for me what I could not do myself, and I needed support. It's such a vulnerable post.... I tell a fellow firewalker I don't think I should post it for fear of what others would think. She tells me, post it, I promise good things will come of it. I post my truth. That day, I received 118 comments and one of those comments belonged to Tony Robbins. He sees my post and comments to come as guest to UPW NJ. 69 Day after the event after he posted comment: did you read the last post!' The big guy! The CEO whisper! The legend! My freaking hero commented on my post to come to his event as his guest. I immediately thank him and of course except his invitation. 75 days after event: Start my own business & don't let a lack of resources get in my way! Build my own website. 92 after event: I am officially a motivational speaker! I hold my first event and 15 people attend. 124 Days after event and 1 before UPW NJ: I am excited! I get in my car even though it's snowing like crazy and I am bound for NJ 2 hours 48 minutes away until I reach my destination. POP! BAM! I hit the biggest pothole known to man (I know everyone in NJ/PA/NY knows about these holes in the earth!) and slide into a pole. I am frazzled but okay it's not that bad and call for help. I call a friend for help. They say "don't you think it's a sign that you shouldn't go?" I say "Maybe it's a sign you don't give up at every little bump in the road." I hang up and call my sister and she lends me the mini van. I make a post about it and post it on UPW NJ saying it will take a hell of a lot more then a flat tire to keep me away from UPW! .... (I had no idea how monumental these few actions/decisions had.) UPW NJ: I get there and walk right into diamond premiere. But there is a problem. They don't have me a guest. They say I have to sit in power pavilion 2. I show them his message and everything but they still say no. Went from diamond premiere to power pavilion 2 in 2 mins. I walk in and everyone is wearing headphones. I know understand that the people in this room are wearing head phones bc they don't speak English. Not a big deal but this isn't the tony family friend section I had imagined. TONY comes out and 7000 people go mad! Jumping up down , high fives, booty bumps. But I stay seated. Then he starts talking. He opens up with this....there is a woman here who knows how to make things happen. She hit a pothole and pole and breakdown in the snow. Someone she calls for help says it's a sign you shouldn't go. She said back, no it's a sign you don't give up at every little bump in the road, it's will take a hell of a lot more to keep me from UPW!! Everyone, let's give a huge hand to Carolyn Rim! Then I see my post and face and name on the board and hear 7000 people applaud me. I stand up and take off my power pavilion 2 neckless. I am going to walk up to the front row with so much certainty that I belong there that they won't say a word to me! I make my move and walk up to the front row and lock eyes with the man himself, he blows me a kiss and tells me to take a seat. I rock. I freaking rock. Thank you for showing me that I rock. And if things could not get any better...He sits me next to Hugh Jackman. Joseph says to do the same thing the second day (walk up with certainty that I belonged) but to walk back stage and he then presents my blue neckless. (Tony special guests) I am so grateful and I cry happy tears. I have break through after break through at this event. Vibrates through my soul. I am a rockstar. 145 days after UPW Dallas & 30 days after UPW Nj: I am coaching people consistently and focusing on my next event. My boss calls me into office. He is standing like Superman. He calls me "Spark Plug" and recently made me the hype girl. I get to go hype everyone up in the trainings before they start there day and right after lunch. They love me. I give more high fives and ass slaps and booty bumps here then the boys do on the football field! I have them Stand like superman! He says, we don't mind if you stay, but you are on at least 2 or 3 coaching calls a day. We don't think it's fair to you to let you continue to have you heart half here and in your business. Your passion is there. Go towards what makes you happy. I cry, I laugh and then I hug the director and CEO of the company. They say they have my back just in case. I tell them I must burn the boats. No fucking plan B. Only one plan and like Tony says, "You want to take the F#*%ing island, you must burn the boats!" I walk out of that office and feel like I bend the walls at will with my mind if I wanted too! 169 days after event: I hold my next seminar event. Problem was? I didn't have a venue or the money for a venue. I just picked the city and state and date and started selling tickets. I told them I would give them info as Soon as possible. I email everyone I know and let them know I need a building or space for free. My old boss says he has a vacant building. BADA BOOM! 186 days after event: I hold successful second event for 40 plus people who bought tickets. I am excited and happy and today unique need that I have was fulfilled. I was shaky at the end with so much passion!! Everyone has something inside that do better then anyone else in the whole world. Mine is sharing my enthusiasm and energy and passion with the world. I take on 2 beliefs. One. I exist To benefit & refresh everything I touch. Two. 1000 unseen hands guide me in every step I take!! I am on fire with cosmic force. 270 days after my first UPW:I am planning to hold a seminar with 300 people in less then 3 weeks with 7 transformation speakers. We are going to help people focus on the area in their lives that challenges them the most because that is truly where the most growth and evolution will happen! I am so excited because I am starting my own radio talk show too and will have an amazing cohost on it! It wont just be dancing on the screen or air high fiving. This show is going to help people truly transform and create permanent change in their lives! It launches right after my seminar! So grateful for all that is happening right now in my life! Tony Robbins changed my life. He changed my perspective and it allowed me to see the world in new lights. Brighter. Bigger and Bolder. I am utterly grateful not just for Tony Robbins, but for the community he builds. I have had more fulfillment in the past 9 months then I have had in 30 years on earth. I am grateful. And I wanted t give credit where credit was do. Tony Robbins.... Thank you for waking me up and allowing me to fucking unleash the power within. I will never forget what your seminar did for me and how it changed my life. ..Bringing cosmic force of positive energy and love to help empower people to live their passions and dreams. Cheers to putting dents in the universe and following your dreams! Bad ass Rockstars! |
Spark Your Rockstar