![]() I want to bridge the gap between regular people and self-development people. When you find yourself growing leaps and bounds, its natural to want to share it with others. However, sharing anything in the realm of personal development, as I have found, can spark fights and cause some major relationship problems with friends and family. Because in life, there is a right and wrong way to share ideas that can help others. Especially if those ideas come anywhere near the land of self-help. I believe that one of the vital keys to creating positive change in others is to walk my talk. Be an example for others to follow. I have had many people ask me, "Whats your secret?" and then I am able to offer up my ideas and energy that I know will help them. In the past 6 months, I have quit smoking, quit my job, (found one paying double within a week), built and started my own website and business, had successful seminar, planning another successful seminar with over 100 people coming, taken on 14 new coaching clients, made movies (with over 20,000 views all together), and I have worked my butt off!! Countless emails, phone calls, messages, visualizations, videos, presentations, posts, programs, webinars, podcasts and outlines. And you know what? I have never been more happy, grateful and fulfilled in my whole life. None of this would have been possible without you all believing in me and me believing in myself. All your likes, comments and shares keep me going. Knowing that I have other people counting on me to succeed makes me push even harder. My event Spark Your Rockstar is in 2 days and I have never been more terrified and excited in my whole life. Over 100 people will be coming to hear me speak. So grateful and humbled right now. Thank you for allowing me to celebrate and share with you all! For those of you coming to the Event this Saturday...Ready.. Set... Spark! Where the impossible becomes possible! "Others will follow in your footsteps easier then they will your advice." ~ Unknown ![]() My name is Carolyn Rim and I am a Rockstar. I exist to benefit and refresh everyone I touch. To share my gifts with others by loving myself and being a passionate example of the absolute joy that is available to us at any moment. So many amazing things are happening in my life right now. I was just asked about my rates to come and speak to a sales organization. I must be honest, even though sometimes that voice, of inner doubt, comes on, saying "You are not good enough and you will not make it" I still push forward. I am banishing the voice of doubt and for good. I truly believe the only person that stops us from living our dreams, is the person that stares back at us everyday. We put up our own traffic jams and road blocks. Once you realize that this, you gain your power back! You lose the victim mentality and become the victor. Stop blaming all those around you for your unhappiness and take control of your life and your future. YES. You can. We can. Its possible. You are never too young or too old to go after a new dream, to set a new goal, to fall in love again. The things that excite you are not random. they are deeply connected to your purpose and you should follow them. Spark Your Rockstar Event is coming up this Saturday. I have put my blood sweat and tears into this seminar. My heart and my soul. Hours and hours planning, power points, projection screens, power poses, payments, rentals, stages, dj's, and microphones. I have never been more excited and terrified in my whole life. Lights, Camera ... ACTION! Shine Bright Rockstars! ![]() I was feeling fear today. I closed my eyes on the train to work. I asked God to show me a sign that I would be okay no matter what. I open my eyes and saw this. I believe this sign was big enough. Behind every fear is the person you want to be. Fear is self imposed meaning it doesn't exist. You create it, you can destroy it. You face your fears and you become the person you want to be. You run from your fears and you are not living. You are alive, but you are not dug in the freedom. You are not running the day, the day is running you. We all fall down in life the question is who gets back up. Today will be the day you face your fears, not tomorrow, not next week, but right now, right here. Never give up climbing to be the best possible version of yourself because ultimately it is the small steps that climb mountains. When you face your fears-the impossible becomes the possible. Step up, stand out and shine bright. Open your eyes. I see the sunrise. ![]() THIS IS MY RESULTS FOR MY NEW WEBSITE! Over 8,000 people went to my website! This was the message I received. SparkYourRockstar.com Your Site has received over 8,312 page views in the past 30 days. Yes! It's possible! Behind every fear is the person you want to be. I get so excited and terrified before I get on stage for an event. That's how I know I am on the right path. It is between our deepest desires and our greatest fear that we find our light shines the brightest. As we let our light shine, we consciously give other people permission to do the same. I truly believe that the things that excite us and make us happy are not random. They are connected to our purpose. Follow them and be your true gorgeous, handsome, talented and fabulous self! You were put on this earth to shine and create your own wild, open hearted, custom made path of happy. Shine on! ![]() "Reality is an illusion, albeit a very persistent one." -Albert Eistein Did you know that your mind can not tell the difference between something vividly imagined and something that actually happens!? Isn't that amazing? The science and application of creative visualization is more than just method to alter your own reality. Creative visualization also allows you to use your brain power to change and alter the lives of others. Do you believe it? Believing is the secret key to all success in life. There is an old African proverb that says if there is no enemy within, then the enemy outside can do us no harm. Jose Silva, the founder of the Silva Method, found that creative visualization can solve any problem, manifest anything you want or desire, and help you to see yourself in a different way. I picture myself at this moment with a big S on my chest and a cape flying off my back. I picture myself helping and saving thousands of people from there self imposed purgatory and from the mean voices saying they don't deserve wealth, they are not good enough and they will always be a failure. I am going to help others ignite the light within and let there greatness shine! I believe! In the past 6 months, my life has had change after change and in fact the only constant thing in our life will be change. I had been praying and wishing for these changes to occur but never saw them in my mind because I could not see more then the few steps in front of me. Creative visualization changed all that got me and has helped me cultivate the hero inside. I had been evading it for years but only because of restrictive thought patterns. If you see your individual inner power as limited, your reality will mirror your thinking. I know we all have had experienced in our own lives where the power of creative visualization has manifested. Whatever we think and focus on, it has a way of coming into our physical reality. So what do want out your life? You can bend reality to reflect the life you really want. When you practice creative visualization, don't worry about how you will achieve it; just focus on the end goal you want. Everything else will unfold exactly as it's supposed to. What you believe about the world tends to be true doesn't it? You are the projector, and the reality you experience is yours alone, a projection of your inner "movie" of beliefs and perceptions. Try thinking about it like this, your eyes are a projector, and you see things the way they are, and you decide they have to stay that way. Your thinking shapes what is actually happening in your world right now. All the troubles and obstacles that keep you in chains and shackles come from the way you chose to perceive the world. This viewpoint is born from your history, beliefs, relationships, and experiences. Are your goals and dreams within your reach? If you say no, then you are right. If you say yes, then you are right too. Limited beliefs create limited possibilities. Most feel as they are victims of circumstances because after all, we see, hear and tell ourselves that same story everyday. Look at your life and you will see a series of thoughts lead to choices and your choices lead to action. If you reach deep enough, you can trace every result in your life back to your thinking pattern. This is scientifically proven truths about creative visualization and it's incredibly humbling but also a very empowering once you grasp this concept. Everything that has ever been created started as a thought. Your thoughts are creating your reality. If you don't like your reality, you and only you, can change it. It's like what Gwendolyn the good witch in the Wizard Of Oz says to Dorothy, "You had the power all along my dear, you just had to see it for yourself." Now take 3 to 5 minutes and just imagine what you want your life to be like a year from now. What do want? Who would you want around you? What would be your view? Really focus on the outcome, the end result and don't worry about the how part. Trust me, all those answers will come and so much more beyond your wildest dreams. So close your eyes.... And creatively visualize what you want your outcome to be. Yes!!! You can!!! "The greatest achievement in life is to have the ability to create the world around you, so that it matches the dreams in your mind." -Mike Dullard ![]() Create new beliefs to create a new reality. Ever since you were a child, you had the potential and ability to dream beyond your wildest imagination. Movie Star, Astronaut, Singer, Writer. You could be whatever you wanted to be when you grew up. There were no rules, boundaries or limitations. But something happened along the way. You became conditioned to fit a certain mold. To live your life within certain limitations. And it's these self-limiting beliefs that is holding you back. You must know that its not your fault and most of us (if not all) of us have gone through the motions...You were taught to pursue certain subjects or specific degree in school or college. You were expected to behave or carry yourself in a certain way by your parents, teachers, and peers. You were programmed to fit the mold and surrender to just being average or normal. The result??? You live your life stuck in a pattern "rinse and repeat" behaviors and you put yourself on auto pilot and just go through the motions. If you could really live a life beyond your wildest dreams, you must break the pattern of self sabotage. Once you change your beliefs and reprogram your subconscious mind, magical synchronicities with your visions, chance conversations with people on the same enlightened path, and flashes of inspiration that reveal the steps you need to take to get to the life you dream about. What if you could change the thinking that keeps you from the life you want? What if you could shift the course of your life? You can, and that shift happens once you learn to avoid "realistic" expectations, and focus your thoughts on your true desires. If your life is a story that's unfolding right now, know that you're the person who holds the pen. What will your story be? Designing Your Life
"The world is always trying to steal our time, energy and focus onto things that really don't matter. We become more and more tied into automatic patterns of stimulus and response. We start reacting to what the world brings into our life instead of designing and creating our own life and it becomes habitual to think we have no control in our lives. The question is really quite simple. Are you in a place in your life where you are not willing to buy into the theory that you have no choice? Are you in a place where things are great and you want to take things to the next level ? Are you at a stage where the environment will not become the factor that defines who you are, how you feel, or how you live? Are you in a place where it's time to lead, not just follow? Are you in a place where you want to become stronger then ever in your entire life?" -Tony Robbins Everyone in my life tells me I am a completely different person since UPW (Unleash the Power Within). I have never been more focused or driven to achieve my goals and become a motivational speaker, life coach and to Inspire others to live a life worth living. I will not be a victim, I will be a victor and achieve every dream, every goal and every passion. I will build and create an empire, a community for people who are constantly climbing to become a better person. I love to read and learn and experience new things. I have found the force that creates every feeling, thought and emotion in my life. I have found what I am willing to live for and die for. Others. I want others to feel and have the spark that was ignited in me at UPW. I want to inspire others to push through and say to themselves, Yes! I can! I will conquer! I will stand triumphant in the midst of my mind and I will pour pure positive energy over every negative thought, feeling and emotion I have ever had. Yes I will help others to change there life with my energy, passion, strength and soul. I now have the power within me to achieve every dream and every goal with the infinite intelligence of the universe behind me. Jump out of your self imposed purgatory and join me in becoming the person "you could have been" now! YES!! |
Spark Your Rockstar