What is Quantum Leaping? Quantum Jumping is an advanced visualization technique where you visualize yourself jumping into alternate universes, and communicating with alternate versions of yourself. It’s the result of over 31 years of study in fields like hypnosis, yoga, meditation and remote viewing, to name a few. Quantum Jumping is helping people make anything from subtle to remarkable changes in their own lives—and I’m confident it can do the same for you. Why? Well think about it. Imagine getting the chance to talk to your alternate selves—versions of you who’ve made different sets of choices and decisions in life. Think of how you could benefit from all their experiences, learn their skills and make better decisions. I see it as discovering your true potential. A potential you could never possibly have achieved, had you not got in touch with the Universal You—the You that you were always meant to be. And that technique is called Quantum Jumping... Thankfully, you don’t need to be a mad scientist to master Quantum Jumping. All you need is an open mind, and the willingness to learn. Once I have shown you how, you’ll be able to use the untapped power of your mind to ‘jump’ into alternate universes, and visit alternate versions of yourself who already have all the skills, knowledge and experience you desire. Remember your childhood dreams? Maybe you wanted to be a movie star, or astronaut, or a writer. Maybe you still do. Maybe you dreamt of somehow changing the world, or starting your own business, or becoming so rich and successful that you know you and your loved ones wouldn’t have to want for anything in this life. So what happened to all those dreams? The same thing that always happens. Life. As you grew older, you started to conform to the norms that society puts on us and had to live in what they call the “real world.” You were told to “stop daydreaming” by your teachers, or “be realistic” by your parents. You were made to walk the path of what you should do, and in turn moved further and further away from the path of what you could do. Bills started rolling in, responsibilities piled up, and before you knew it, your childhood dreams were little more than dust in the wind. But open your mind for just a few minutes…Imagine, that somewhere out there in the deep vastness of space and time, there is another version of you who didn’t give up on those dreams.... Contact me for information! I can show you the meditation and visualization I do daily to manifest things with cosmic force! Email me at [email protected] and get on broad the light speed success train today! When I started meditating, I did not realize it would also make me healthier, happier, and more successful. Having witnessed the benefits, I am devoted in sharing just how much meditation can help you and I making meditation part of the Spark Your Rockstar brand. In the last 10 years, hundreds of studies have been released on how meditation effects us.
Here are 20 scientifically-validated reasons you might want to get on the Rockstar Meditation bandwagon today: It Boosts Your HEALTH 1 - Increases immune function 2 - Decreases Pain 3 - Decreases Inflammation at the Cellular Level It Boosts Your HAPPINESS 4 - Increases Positive Emotion 5 - Decreases Depression 6 - Decreases Anxiety 7 - Decreases Stress It Boosts Your SOCIAL LIFE Think meditation is a solitary activity? It may be (unless you meditate in a group which many do with amazing results!) but it actually increases your sense of connection to others: 8 - Increases social connection & emotional intelligence 9 - Makes you more compassionate 10 - Makes you feel less lonely It Boosts Your Self-Control 11 - Improves your ability to regulate your emotions (Ever flown off the handle or not been able to quiet your mind? Meditation is the key) 12 - Improves your ability to introspect & for why this is crucial see this post) It Changes Your BRAIN (for the BETTER) 13 - Increases grey matter 14 - Increases volume in areas related to emotion regulation, positive emotions & self-control 15 - Increases cortical thickness in areas related to paying attention It Improves Your Productivity (yup, by doing nothing) 16 - Increases your focus & attention 17 - Improves your ability to multitask 18 - Improves your memory 19 - Improves your ability to be creative & think outside the box 20. It Makes You WISE(R) It gives you perspective: By observing your mind, you realize you don't have to be slave to it. You realize it throws tantrums, gets grumpy, jealous, happy and sad but that it doesn't have to run you. Meditation is quite simply mental hygiene: clear out the junk, tune your talents, and get in touch with yourself. Think about it, you shower every day and clean your body, but have you ever showered your mind? As a consequence, you'll feel more clear and see thing with greater perspective. We can't control what happens on the outside but we do have a say over the quality of our mind. Our thoughts, perceptions and habitual behaviors shape our reality. Make meditation a habitual behavior you implement daily. It Keeps You Real Once you get to know your mind, you start to own your stuff and become more authentic, maybe even humble. You realize the stories and soap operas your mind puts you through and you gain some perspective on them. You realize most of us are caught up in a mind-drama and become more compassionate towards others. Myths about Meditation Having an empty mind—nope, in fact, when you start meditating, you'll find its quite the opposite Sitting in lotus position—nope, you can sit on the couch (just don't lie down, you'll fall asleep) Sitting for an hour a day—nope, small doses work just fine Chanting in a language I don't understand—nope, not unless that floats your boat Buddhist, Hindu or religious—nope, not unless you make it so Weird—what's so weird about sitting and breathing? Besides, US congressmen, NFL football leagues and the US Marine Corps are doing it, how weird can it be? Wearing robes—what? "I can't meditate" because I can't clear my mind—no worries, while you're sitting there you'll experience the noisy chaos of a wound up mind that's unwinding: tons of thoughts, feelings and emotions. Don't worry about how you feel during, notice how you feel after and throughout the rest of the day I can't sit still—that's ok, just sit comfortably, fidget if you need to I get anxious—that's also normal, all the junk's coming up, learn some breathing practices to calm yourself down, exercise or do yoga before meditating I hate sitting still—that's fine, then go for a walk without your earphones, phone etc; or start with yoga; or do breathing exercises…give yourself time to just "be" without constantly "doing" something I tried and I hated it—there's not just one kind of meditation, there's a whole menu out there, look for the shoe that fits: mindfulness, Transcendental, compassion, mantra, Vipassana, Art of Living breathing practices, yoga nidra, yoga, insight, loving-kindness, tai chi etc... I don't have time - Think of all those minutes you waste every day on the internet or otherwise, you can definitely fit in 20 minutes here or there to give your life a boost! Gandhi is quoted as saying "I'm so busy today, that... I'm going to meditate 2 hours instead of 1." |
Spark Your Rockstar