You have a choiceYou have a choice to allow the words I am about to say and the message that I am about to say to enter your mind and really allow it seep in like water to a sponge. Or, you can just read this message and then get off and do the same shit that you always do.
So you have a choice. Right? There is always that choice and right now I am just so inspired to tell you it is not easy to get to where you are to where you want to be. Whoever is out there saying that oh its easy its peach keen, it’s awesome, yea no, "it’s very very simple," it’s a lie. It’s not authentic its bullshit, I am sorry that I am cursing, I just, I get so passionate. I am so passionate about my dream, I am so passionate about making this happen, about getting my message out to people that we need more compassion and love in the world. We need more compassion and understanding. We need more people who believe in themselves, we need more people who believe in themselves so their children believe in themselves. Who do you think is watching you right now? Your children, your husband, your wife, your family, your co workers, and I know you don’t think about this kind of stuff, but you are setting an example for those in your life. Everyone is watching you and you know imagine if you weren’t here? All the people that you have talked to, all the people that you have touched, right. Think about it, think about how valuable you really are, your soul really is. It can't be begged, borrowed, or bought. Its your inherent value and Its your birthright. I truly believe that we were all born for a purpose, all of us we all have a mission in life. And we can either choose to listen to that and follow that because I believe in our curiosity and our passion, that is where all the answers lie. That is where, if you give yourself permission to dream big and starting thinking about your life and all the opportunities for love, joy and fulfillment you have!" I was on a call today and Missy Loy who is probably reading this, (love you Missy if you are...) She said that I have childlike faith and it almost brought me to tears because I do, I do have childlike faith. I believe with my whole soul, I believe that with every fibre of my being that I am going to make it. I don’t care how it’s going to be done, right but I really need to get that message across that it’s not going to be easy just to go out there and make it happen. Its not going to be easy to recreate who you really want to be. You are in a battle in your mind. "Okay, is it worth it, is it not worth it? Do I keep moving forward? It would be so easy just to give up now and say that least least I tried. Do I know, do I believe in myself or do I not? You are such a joke. You think you can change the world?! HAAH! You are cattle. You are part of the masses. You will need stand out and your voice will fall on deaf ears. You are joke. Lets look at the past shall we? You are not the hero." Its like you are in that constant angel and devil on your shoulder right, and you have got to know that the more you push forward the voice that no longer serves you dissolves. Why? Because its not the voice of your true self or that of your creator. I don’t have that bad voice inside anymore that says that it’s not possible, that’s says that I can’t. That says you know it’s impossible, I just don’t it’s not there. I have faith that if I take the jump, if I take the leap that something will catch me. I don’t know what it is but I know that something is going to catch me because it has, it just has, my whole life. Think about your whole life and all the times that you were scared that you wouldn’t make it or something would happen. Think about all the little miracles that have happened in your life, think about it. Think about all those beautiful miracles, think about them right now, breathe them in. You have a choice today, to say, "I am going to go out there and make today amazing." I am going to light everybody up that I see, I am going to spread smiles everywhere and I am going to show people what it means to shine bright. I am going to smile through the bullshit that I am going through in my life. I am not going to spread negativity, I am going to inspire people with it. I am going to make my pain my prize. I am going to make something terrible that happened to me, I am going to make that my gift, I am going to make that the best thing that ever happened to me. Because all my painful moments they weren’t for nothing, they made me who I am today. All those horrible moments that were so painful that I had to struggle through, they weren’t for nothing. I went through them because I had to, I had to go through those painful moments to make me who I am today and I am so inspired to share that with you that you know if you think that it’s going to be easy, if you think that success is going to be easy, it’s not. But just know that the universe is on your side and that everyday there are angels surrounding us, I truly believe that. That there are angels surrounding you and you never know when you are going to meet one that has the right message for you. So with that said, go today and just really be aware, be aware of the people around you and what they are saying and just know that it’s possible. Whatever you want... you don’t have to say right away "I am definitely going to do it" but just say...." it’s possible." Keep saying that. "It's Possible." Go ahead allow yourself to ponder on all the magnificent miracles and all the possibilities in your life at this very moment. You being in the world makes a tremendous difference! Be kind to yourself and to others. Be compassionate and most of all, know that from the moment you take your first deep breath into this world to the moment you take you last... you are so loved. Sending you hugs, high fives, and pattern breaking ass slaps, Carolyn Rim Aka Americas Top Confidence Coach Shout out to Michelle S. Royal who is working on a coloring book for me and a children's book. I told her my image in my mind with wings and instead of everyone behind me.... They are all beside me! Spread your wings! |
Spark Your Rockstar