This is actually very simple to do but many people forget this important aspect...GET CRYSTAL CLEAR ON WHAT YOU WANT.
"Your work is to simply determine what you want." -Abraham Hicks Abraham Hicks writes in one of her books that one of the biggest things keeping us away from our ideal vision is that we DO NOT know what this ideal vision is. Let Hicks give us an example: Let's say you're in a fight with your lover. STOP. PAUSE. Calm down the emotions. And ask yourself mentally....."Ok...I obvisously don't want THIS. So what then DO I WANT?" Hicks goes on to write: "The most valuable skill that you could ever develop is the skill of directing your thoughts toward what you want-to be adept at quickly evaluating all situations and then quickly coming to the conclusion on what you most want-and then giving your undivided attention to that." That makes sense right?! Now a little fight with a lover is one thing but what about life and all its roads and avenues. Work, balance, parenting, love, health, money. How clear are you on these things? Most people aren't clear. And that's why I choose this path that I am on right now. Each road you turn down leaves you feeling like your dreams are too out reach or too hard so you don't pursue them. You don't give yourself permission to dream big. You get by and just say I will play the cards I have and not ask for all Aces. I will just keep playing a small game so I don't frazzle myself or those around me. Don't slap your creator in the face by not playing full out! That is a story that you keep telling yourself and as long as you continue to tell yourself that same story.... You will continue to hit dead ends, road blocks and constantly be searching for the next feel good feeling from outside places. Just STOP. Hit the pause button and ask yourself... What do I want? Give yourself permission to dream big! What would you go for if you knew your success was guaranteed ?? "Act as if your success was guaranteed and start expecting great things to happen!!! Yes!! You can!!! Excellence begins inside." |
Spark Your Rockstar