Recently Someone from my past reached out to me. It ended pretty badly between us about a year ago. It was someone who I initially hired to help with an event of mine but they ended up bailing on me and putting down my programs (even though he had never done them), me, my partners and my brand to everyone. That was about almost a year ago and this person contacted me recently and wanted to make up. I meditated about it and I decided that it would be nice to make up.
As soon as I got on the phone- this person started talking about all his issues- and I had never felt more grateful that this person was not in my life anymore. He started talking about others in a mean way (which I do not have time for gossip or drama and even if I did- that vibration doesn't work for me). He even called another human and I quote "A piece of shit." Wow. I literally had to cover my ears when he said that and asked him to stop talking like that. I do not surround myself with people who talk like this about another human being. I realized I had grown a lot over the year and I also realized this person hasn't grown at all. This person started talking about money and how much we would make together. Now- let me explain- this person has a huge audience!!! It was a huge opportunity he was offering and this person told me I could potentially make $150,000 for 2 months of my time. He was pushy and wanted to set dates and share audiences but I know in my heart I am not money motivated. Not only that... I genuinely care about my audience and who I partner with has a direct reflection on me, and must be at least a vibrational match to me or higher. You all know what I am talking about ... I'm talking about Good vibrations! (🎶🎶 Now you will have that song stuck in your head all day, your welcome lol). Plus In the past 18 months... Anytime I was focused solely on making money--- the event or projects ended up crumbling. Now- please understand, I make money and it continues to flow in avalanches to me as long as I do what I love and focus on giving from my heart. I remembered in my mind back a year ago how mad I was when this person told me I was Un resourceful and that my business would fail because of me. He said very mean things about me. I will tell you, him telling me I couldn't do it, only fueled me more to want to prove him wrong that I could do it. I am thankful for this person because he served me in valuable ways and I learned a lot from our exchanges. I ended up telling this person that I appreciated them reaching out but at this time I was laser focused on my goals and needed to continue to focus my energy and commitment to things I had already committed myself too. He kept pushing about partnering and finally I realized I had to block this person again. I will say that this is not me talking down about his person, because I believe deep down all people are good. I believe hurt people hurt people- but that doesn't make it right or wrong it just is what it's is. My only reason for telling you this is I learned a valuable lesson from it. The lesson here is everything that is happening is always for your highest good. When someone leaves you, or when the universe removes someone from your life, whether that be in a relationship or in a business, thank the universe. Start having a belief that everything is happening to help elevate you to get what you want and desire. Dreams do come true when you be who you are and do what love. The universe is on your side and has your back and is always working in your favor! Trust your gut instincts and listen to your heart... Because when you follow your heart... Every moment is like an encounter with God. You have a beautiful destiny awaiting you ... Now Leave all the drama and negative shit behind you! Lol peace out Girl and boy Scouts! Go have a b e a utiful day! Sending you hugs, high fives and BLISSFUL Pattern breaking ass slaps, Carolyn Rim AKA America's Top Confidence Coach Request to the Rockstar Family... Where dreams do come true... CLICK THE RED BUTTON BELOW |
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