I can't explain what's happening. I can try but I am certain by the time you are done reading this, you will have either two opinions of me. One: She is batshit crazy! 😜Two: She is batshit crazy but I love her and respect her vulnerability. I created Spark Your Rockstar Community because I wanted a safe space for myself and others to share. I decided today that I wanted to share with everyone.
I had an experience the other day with this man named John. I do not want to tag him as I know if I did many of you would instantly reach out to him. I am working with him to come up with a Spark Your Rockstar event so he can share his abilities and gifts with the rockstars. Being part of this community you all receive VIP status, discounts and invites to things others do not. I am going to do my best to describe what happened to me the other day without you all thinking I am absolutely nuts. I am pretty confident most of you already think I am crazy so this will just be the whip cream and the cherry on top. Tony Robbins says the secret to living is giving. I whole heartedly agree. I know many of you already know of the magic that happened this past weekend at the business mastery event. A woman stood up and said she worked for Underground Railroad Operations. They help stop child human trafficking. She said her dreams coming true would be to eradicate human trafficking. When Tony heard this, he instantly asked how much to save 10 children. She said that would be a 100,000 operation. Then, he said I will give you 100,000 to save me 10 children. Then a man stood up and said I want to save a child and instantly, one by one all of these people stood up and wanted to help this woman. I so wanted to save a child but at this moment I didn't have 10k sitting around, so I had to just stand there, but in my head, I said to myself, I will save one more child. I then proceeded to find a team called All For One who had hula hoops and they said they would help me save one more child for 10k. I asked them to write on a sign, hula hoop for 10k. I raised 10k within 2 hours and 30 mins of hula hooping. I had blisters on my feet, my abs were on fire, and I had to pee. I didn't care. I was crying because I kept thinking that this was nothing compared to what a child who was sold for sex trade would have to go through. After, Justin Ligeri saved me by grabbing my hula hoop and telling me he had me, I cried tears of gratitude that we were going to be able to save one more child. Out of me doing what I did, a beautiful gift was given to me. Tony Robbins also says what we give we get back ten fold. The gift I received was meeting with this man named John. He does network spinal Analysis. He is the best of the best and works on celebrities, billionaires and people like well, the big guy. I am going to do my best to describe what happened next, because words can not really do this experience justice. As soon as I walk into his hotel room, I know I am in good hands. He hugs me heart to heart. He asks me if I feel any pain anywhere in my body. Yes. My Neck. He says ok. Then I lay face down on the table. He starts gently touching my back and spine, I felt a surge of pain and energy surge through me. My stomach instantly started to grumble loudly and I hear John whisper, "Oh My God. Just release it, feel it, let it go. Allow it to flow through you." I start to sob. I feel incredible pain for about 15 seconds, where my whole life, including past life flashes before my eyes. I see all the life times. The 1000s of years and just as quickly as the pain came, all pain left me as I allowed all of it to flow through. I felt like a released 1000 pounds of pent up energy. He asked me to turn over onto my back. I was conscious this whole time but it was almost like I was on another level, like a different plain or dimension. That's when I felt God's love pure through me. My body started to shake, as if I was having a stroke. One side of my face went numb, and I took a deep breathe in and out and felt this love stream through me. I screamed out loud, "I know who I am! I know who I am. I know who I am!" OMG this beautiful fucking feeling of absolutely knowing why I was here and what I was here to do... And then suddenly a rush of fear flowed through me for what I knew I would have to do, and what gifts I had, who I really was and what responsibility lie on my shoulders. I instantly started screaming, "John! I am scared! It's too much, I can't. I don't know if I can do this!" John grabbed my shaking hands and pulled them into prayer hands to the center of my forehead. He said, "Accept the gifts it is giving you. We are all given gifts. Say thank you. Say thank you!" I then feel a vibration that I could move mountains, a vibration that instantly shifts and moves my whole body. I tilt my head all the way back and above me I feel God (universe, source, whatever you call it based on your beliefs), I start saying things but it doesn't sound like my voice, it's a different voice coming from me one I have never heard before. "I am your servant! I love you! Thank you God! I will do it! I will do what you need me to do with child like faith! I will never stop serving! I am that I am! I am you and I am love! Thank you! Thank you!" After my body stopped convulsing, I was shaking but smiling. I still felt like I was on the drug ecstasy but without any negative side effects. I saw no limits. I saw no barriers. I only saw love. Love in everything and everyone. I am still processing this experience and honestly, I was hesitant to even share this with you all, for fear that you would think I am out of my mind, but honestly, I don't care what you all think of me. Maybe some of you will think I am batshit crazy after reading this and that's okay. I know that may sound harsh, but I am just sharing what happened. I am just being me and sharing what is happening along the way. Documentation is super important through my rockstar process here. Being honest, open and real is what I crave and I know you all crave someone being open and raw too. I am not any one religion. I am just sharing an experience. Anyways, my whole point is I would have never had this experience if I didn't hula hoop for almost 3 hours. I would not have had this experience if it wasn't on my heart to save a child. When we give from our hearts, magical doorways open up to avalanches of abundance. Rockstars I promise I will never stop growing. I will never stop giving. I am overflowing with love and joy. I am a radiant positive example of the absolute joy that is available to us at every moment. Growing is the secret! Never stop growing! Progress is the secret key to happiness! ❤️❤️❤️ Thank you for letting me share. UPDATE: Since this post, I have partnered with John Amaral and guess what that means..... WANT TO JOIN JOHN AMARAL AND I AT ONE OF OUR EVENTS?! YUP YOU GUESSED IT! YOU NOW HAVE ACCESS TO JOHN AMARAL, JUST LIKE TONY ROBBINS AND THE STARS DO! Join us! THESE EVENTS SELL OUT FAST! Click here to apply to come to the Spark Your Rockstar Event with John Amaral and I! Sending you High Fives, Hugs, & Pattern Breaking Ass Slaps, Carolyn Rim Founder of Spark Your Rockstar, LLC Website: www.SparkYourRockstar.com Email: [email protected] Phone: (610)751-1664 Join the Rockstars of 1000's of people making dreams come true in the SPARK YOUR ROCKSTAR COMMUNITY: www.facebook.com/groups/sparkenergy |
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