Now that I have your attention... I am asking you to help me pay it forward on a rockstar kindness dare. FRIENDS FAMILY ...... This is my birthday present to me... PLEASE ACCEPT THIS ROCKSTAR KINDNESS DARE FOR THE NEXT 7 DAYS!!! <3<3<3
***Pretty please with a cherry and a dollop of whip on top?*** Let me ask you a question, and I want you to answer honestly: Do you really think you can make a difference in the world? If you're like most people, your answer was no. Well, guess what? You're probably wrong. Not only can you make a difference, you've probably had a far greater impact on way more people than you realize. The truth is that, to make a dent in the universe, you don't have to be Tony Robbins or Oprah. You don't have to directly influence hundreds of people. Just a handful can make a huge difference. No amount of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. Think about it. When one person influences a few others to be kind, there are two major effects: #1 A ripple effect that, over time, can actually impact thousands over generations. #2 A broadening effect since one person influences many, like multiplying tree branches. You have no idea how many people you can influence and help just by sharing your experiences, insights and stories! It's a far more generous thing than any material gift you can ever give. Here's an exercise for you. Think about all the people you may have had an impact on in your life. Employees, coworkers, bosses, vendors, customers, family, mentors, teachers, children, friends. Lots and lots of people. And they're just part of the equation. You may have influenced dozens of others without even realizing it. My birthday is in 7 days. Because of the amazing ripple of blessings I have had in my life over the past 2 years I want to give back in a BIG way. I am requesting everyone who follows me, watches me, and rocks with me, to do one act of random kindness everyday for the next 7 days and post the act of kindness in the www.Facebook.com/groups/sparkenergy/ !!! We can do great things, if only for a brief time. And most importantly, the impact of those actions - what we say and do - can reach far beyond our mortal selves. Over the past few months, I have received so many beautiful amazing gifts from people in the Spark Your Rockstar Community <3 and I want to PAY IT FORWARD! Imagine if 1000 people do one act of rockstar kindness everyday for the next 7 days and share about it? Can you imagine the ripple of love we would spread? ACTION STEPS: ♥—>#1 Post on the thread in the Spark Your Rockstar Community (click here to request to join if not a member yet: www.facebook.com/groups/SparkEnergy/ that you accept this ROCKSTAR KINDNESS DARE! ♥—>#2 For the next 7 Days we all perform 1 act of random kindness everyday and post at the end of the day in the rockstar group what your random act of kindness was for the day. Remember, no amount of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. Your kindness could help someone else in the world breathe a little easier and to me- there is no greater definition of success than to help another human being. It makes my heart smile thinking about all the people that helped me get to where I am today! ♥—>#3 Share on your person page this video asking friends and family to join you on this 9 Days of Rockstar Kindness Dare! Use hashtags #RockstarsKindnessDare #SparkYourRockstar #Day7 “In a gentle way, you can shake the world.” ― Mahatma Gandhi #AskYeShallReceive #SparkYourRockstar #RockstarKindnessDare CLICK THE HUGE RED BUTTON BELOW TO REQUEST TO JOIN THE ROCKSTAR COMMUNITY AND ACCEPT THIS ROCKSTAR KINDNESS DARE!!! www.CarolynRim.com www.SparkYourRockstar.com |
Spark Your Rockstar