Posted By Carolyn Rim April 10th, 2017 (3 Minute Read) So I have been working with energy healers. Today for what felt like the first time ever.... I embraced all of me. Every part of me. You see one of the ways we don't love ourselves is we don't allow ourself to feel sadness without guilt saying, "I shouldn't feel like this." We feel pain in our body but we don't understand thats it connected to something emotional and trust me when I say that it is most certainly connected to something. Today instead of judging or questioning the pain or trying to resist it... I embraced it and danced. I danced with my gorgeous pain. And it was sad and beautiful and angry and betrayed and all the other colors of the emotional rainbow within me. I literally became a miniature me and I went inside my body and I went to the parts of my body that needed care and attention and love. I went to my neck. I went to my lower back. I went into them and I came face to face with some very old pain. I had resisted this pain so long and all of sudden I was face to face with it. I grabbed my pain gently and said I will dance with you. I will embrace you. I will be with you. Literally within seconds I shifted out of that pain and went to the next pain. All the pain and stored energy in my body from years and years and years of letting people use me, treat me like a doormat, and I didn't try to change the pain. I just stayed with it. I embraced it and My God, it was one of the most freeing freaking beautiful experiences I have ever encountered. Then I didn't force the pain to go away, I just held it as long as it needed to be held. Then I started to taste cotton candy in my mouth and I felt a sweetness in my body. Like my body soul, mind and heart were all connected and it led this feeling that felt like a swirling feeling that started to rise and rise and twirl easily and effortlessly spiral upwardly. I then started laughing, half crying and I am pretty sure I growled. But whatever came up I just stayed with it. I allowed old ways and parts of myself that had once served me but no longer did fall away From me like a snake would shed its skin, my skin fell away from my body. I am not sure if you have ever experienced a lightness like a feather but today within, I felt so light that I could fly. Literally like I could start running and lift off the ground like a 747 in full flight. The pain I had been avoiding was easy to organically shift out of of once I embraced and stayed with it and stopped judging it. Stopped blaming. Stopped pointing the finger. I just embraced it with total acceptance and love and compassion. Why do you need to know this? You see my friends, people will go to great lengths to avoid pain. People will literally go their whole life not speaking their souls truth because they are afraid of going through the pain of uncertainty and change!! They are afraid of embracing something new. Crazy right!? But it happens all the time. How? TOP 5 WAYS WE AVOID PAIN #1 Settles For Connection Rather Than LOVE They stay in relationships even though they know the other person isn't right for them but they are 100% afraid of facing life alone so they settle. Settling for connection instead of love because it's less scary for them. #2 Don't Go For What They Really Want They stay in jobs that they know they are good at but never really go beyond that or expand their horizons by trying something new, or doing what their heart is telling them because the fear of going for their dreams and not succeeding would be to painful. They are being afraid of failure or disappointment. #3 Validate Their BS They resists real friendships and people in their lives who call them on their own bs. They only surround themselves with people who at a lower level because it makes them feel better about themselves. Surrounding themselves with others who were doing better would make them take a look at themselves. #4 Constantly Say They Are Busy They never take time to meditate or just sit with themselves silently because doing so would mean that they would have to look at their own inner state of awareness and truths and that would be to painful. #5 Blame Others They consistently blame others for how they are feeling so they don't need responsibility because accepting that 100% responsibility for their life and all that they didn't accomplish or do or regret would be too painful. Bottom line.... I am sharing this because my soul, my heart, my body is being affected on a drastic level. I want to share this energy with you all. At all my Spark Your Rockstar events we will have energy work done their at least for a few hours to open up the energy centers and start speaking your souls truth. I get messages all the time from people saying they feel pulled or called to me and this energy or this event and then they back out because of fear. Then I have people who take the leap of faith and invest in themselves and it's been paying off 10 fold for those people. If you knew me a week ago, allow me to reintroduce myself... because my growth game is strong and I believe in constant evolution and expansion whether this scares you or makes you judge me or makes you take the leap onto the other freaking side with me into pain, into the bliss, into the growth... I hope you do whatever your soul and your heart is pulling you to do. Whatever problem you have in your life is their to help you grow. Problems don't exist just to be problems. We get problems so we can grow. They are to I benefit us. Embrace the pain. Embrace the beauty of all of you. Every part of you. All the flaws, all the gorgeousness of your sweet soul, drink it all in and allow it to quench your thirst to be who you really are and do what you really love and speak your rockstar soul truth. We all have a story... and not matter what yours is, I promise the pain is worth connecting with and moving through it instead in resistance of it. I love you. I see you. As Always, sending you high fives, hugs and pattern breaking ass slaps, Carolyn Rim Image From Last Spark Your Rockstar Event:
Spark Your Rockstar