“It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.” Leonardo Da Vinci Someone said to be at the recent OWA Being Limitless Event http://www.oneworldacademy.com/, "Carolyn, I would love to follow you around with a mic and a camera. Somehow you always end up on stage with the mic everywhere you go." I laughed it off and then later walking on the beach alone I thought about this. What did I do differently? Why is it I always seem to be called on stage, having interventions and invitations by people like Tony Robbins, Les Brown, Joseph McClendon and synchronicities happening to make theses amazing leaders take notice to me? I went back to the moments. OMG I thought, no way is the answer that easy. I went through the moments I impacted people and made a big ol' boom. I am going to give you examples and these examples will help you take action. You will go back to these stories in your mind when you need to take action and it will help you literally JUMP INTO ROCKSTAR ACTION. I went back to the Tony Robbins conference video of our intervention, he said, "Who wants to help me?" https://www.facebook.com/amazingcarolynrim/videos/vb.100002560071023/959345864160740/ I went back to the other moments and I realized even the interview with Anthony Conklin and Tony Robbins, Anthony said, "Do you want to help me interview Tony Robbins?" I responded within 3 seconds of reading the message. "YES. I would love to help." This is the video that my interview (Click here: https://youtu.be/OiK5_Xvg5kU to watch Anthony Conklin interview with Tony Robbins where my audio doesn't work 3 times and then it leads to Tony to feeling bad I could not ask my question so he gave me a ticket to being his special guest in Florida which leads to an intervention with him in person at UNLEASH THE POWER WITHIN EVENT. Watch this video to see the intervention I had with tony in Florida: https://www.facebook.com/amazingcarolynrim/videos/959341007494559/ When Preetha Krishna said this past weekend, "Who wants to help me?" I instantly raised my hand and I said, "ME." Now, lol I know at this particular event I got a little nervous ( I know right me nervous??!!) Yup. I was nervous because she was so beautiful and when you are in her space, its just like you are in the presence of an angel. I joked when I got on stage that I forgot all the steps and next time I would bring my notes. She laughed and was so amazing. I just have this incredible unquenchable thirst for information to evolve. I have never never been more interested in how I can help the world. I will be training with this woman in India in November... not sure how yet.... but normally when I declare something out loud and believe with my whole heart that it will happen... it does... and BECOME GRATEFUL FOR IT, WELL... MAGIC HAPPENS. I just take the leaps with child like faith that the universe wants me to have what I want. The universe continues to support me to my highest evolution. Here are my top 3 #ROCKSTARTIPS for TAKING ACTION and MAKING YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE: #1 #RockstarStep RECONNECT WITH THE PRESENT MOMENT Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have. Make the Now the primary focus of your life. -Eckhart Tolle https://www.eckharttolle.com/ "Carolyn... Come into the light..." Have you ever been doing something and your thoughts start to wander, take you out of the now and into the past or the future? We have all been there! But when you are at a seminar or speaking with a mentor it's crucial you make the intention to come to the NOW! Meditation and Breath work has really helped me with this one! (Check out my new easy course for breath work for BEGINNERS COURSE INTO ACCESSING THE POWER OF MEDITATION & VISUALIZATION). This way when the window opens up... You will not be distracted. You will be completely present in the NOW! Thats when the magic will happen! So you are like, "Okay Carolyn now how the heck do we reconnect with the present moment?" This is the very easy part... conscious breathing. What is conscious breathing? Just notice the breath. Even right now as you are reading these words, just take a big deep refreshing breath in and allow your stomach to fill with air breathing in for a count of 4. Now exhale and breath out for 8 seconds. If you feel thats too much and feel like passing out, then breathe in for 3 seconds and then out for 6 seconds. I know it sounds simple but magic happens when you focus on the breath. To read more on what conscious breathing does to your brain: http://www.consciouslifestylemag.com/breathing-heal-exercises-body-mind/ #2 #RockstarStep STAND LIKE SUPERMAN Whenever I walk into a room, before I walk into the room I stand like superman for 2 mins and I put my chest out, chin up and put my hands on my hips. I pretend everyone in that room has a cape on and so do I. We have on different clothes and look different from each other but truly we are all connected in so many ways. I imagine in my mind that I am helping them awaken their inner truth and live in a beautiful state of mind. Next time before you go into a situation with leader, boss's or a situation where you will need to be confident and jump into action ... STAND LIKE SUPERMAN for 2 minutes. Can assuming the superhero stance make you feel and act that way, and even alter your hormone production? YES! Its scientifically proven that our cortisol levels, which is the stress hormone drops considerably and your testosterone, which is the confident hormone goes up by 20%! So you will be more likely to JUMP INTO ACTION BABY! Here's even more proof on why you may want to stand like superman: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-superheroes/201107/why-you-may-want-stand-superhero #3 #RockstarStep BE ENTHUSIASTIC! SAY YES BABY! OW OW OW Yes I just howled like a wolf! Life is orgasmically amazing! Enthusiasm is great emotional state to be in to get going and take action. I can tell during every event that I have gotten on stage or gotten mentors, I was enthusiastic and excited about the information I was learning! Thats what makes them take notice! Being enthusiastic will help you jump into action when a door opens. If you aren’t feeling enthusiastic then that’s OK too. You can pretty much always create enthusiasm within yourself. Check out this to find ways to be more enthusiastic: www.positivityblog.com/index.php/2008/03/13/4-powerful-reasons-to-up-your-enthusiasm-and-how-to-do-it/ So... Now you know what I am doing differently! I hope my top 3 #ROCKSTARTIPS for TAKING ACTION and MAKING YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE helps you next time you need to JUMP INTO ROCKSTAR ACTION! PLEASE SHARE THIS OUT IF YOU FEEL THE STORIES AND TIPS HELPED YOU! BIG BADA BOOM! Sending you High Fives, Hugs, & Pattern Breaking Ass Slaps, Carolyn Rim Founder of Spark Your Rockstar, LLC Website: www.SparkYourRockstar.com Email: [email protected] Phone: (610)751-1664 Join the Rockstars of 1000's of people making dreams come true in the SPARK YOUR ROCKSTAR COMMUNITY: www.facebook.com/groups/sparkenergy So about 3 months ago, I found this incredible amazing woman named Sarah Prout. She was beautiful, wickedly smart, and had an amazing vibe about her. And the final deal closer? She loved unicorns just about as much as I did. I have loved unicorns ever since I was 3 years old and mom bought me a pack of Lisa Frank stickers.
Sarah Prout ( www.SarahProut.com) was well known and had courses and processes set up and I was blown away by her systems, her website, her style and grace. I went through two of Sarah's courses 2 months ago and it was extremely powerful. After I did this process, I started immediately manifesting things from Sarah's courses! I admit, sometimes I have a pattern of becoming to enthusiastic and I kept wanting to add more and more value to my own brand even though I already had so much to offer with my own original stories, meditations, visualizations, and content. I kept thinking how can I give my audience more more more not realizing what I had was already gold and needed no numbers or extra horns or stripes. I thought by changing a few things with the numbers in Sarah's manifest program and adding the visualizations I would be okay. Well, apparently that was not okay as I received a few CEASE AND DESIST emails from her team yesterday saying it was plagiarism. So today on my 32 birthday, I am getting real and raw with everyone (I decided not to wait until tomorrow) and I am correcting a wrong and sharing a lesson. I would like to take a minute here to apologize to Sarah Prout & her husband Sean, the manifest community and my own rockstars. It was never my intention to cause harm and I am deeply sorry from the bottom of my heart for any that I have caused. In hindsight... What I should have done is just left a link like this...Saying check out this incredible woman who is helping inspire people and helping people manifest like crazy! ----> ----> ----> ----> ----> ----> ----> ----> http://sarahprout.com/lp/ultimate-intention-setting-process/ and her ancient ritual http://sarahprout.com/lp/main-ancient-manifesting-ritual/ because they are a MUST DO! It helped me get crystal clear on a lot of things I wanted to manifest in my life in the past 2 months of my life. I reached out to several of my mentors about this situation. I was feeling deeply upset by this because this goes against everything I believe in my heart and my rockstar soul. I believe in being your true self, shining, Being original and just being real, raw is what I am really all about and yesterday, as I read the letter, I just could not understand how I allowed this to happen. I have a ton of magic in my heart why did I feel like I needed hers? One of my mentors, said something very wise that stuck with me. She said, "Did you know some of the people you look up to most were once accused of plagiarism? If there is only learning, there are no mistakes. If there is an internal struggle, guilt, or shame, those emotions are not serving us. We get into an emotional state where we gather up all that learning and proudly face the day with all its challenges and beauty. If it is a mistake that has affected another person or business relationship , then we do our best to rectify it, amend it, and we move forward, with or without this person. There is always a solution and always a lesson. Bottom line is, if we are not making mistakes, which are the greatest teachers on the planet, we are not really going for what we want. Praise and celebrate the mistake for the gift that it is. Tough lessons are always presents in disguise. You are the gift, Carolyn. Keep giving the gift. " -Michelle Royal Top 3 lessons learned #1 Never EVER Copy Anyone Else NEVER ever ever copy someone else's work. It doesn't come from the heart and will never have the impact that I have with things that are 100% me. It's no good to try and fight against something you have done when you feel bad about it. I felt really bad about hurting Sarah because I truly look up to her and her business she has built. Plus I really liked her community and the people in it. She is amazing and I hurt her heart which rippled and affected my heart and many others. I prayed, meditated and gave myself some space to breathe. Give yourself time to calm down, allow the emotions to flow through you instead of holding on to them, release, and relax. #2 Find Your Niche And If Its Working... STICK WITH IT Just keep my nitch. Sarah Prout keeps her systems in place because they continue to work for 100000's of her manifesting students. For me, I am going to stick with what's been working for me and continue playing with the lost boys, rocking with the rockstars, sprinkling pixie dust, meditating, visualizing and well, just being me... Which is 1000% enough. I am going to relook at all my courses and products and simplify them. This lesson was such a gift in sooooo many ways. #3 ALLOW ROOM FOR MISTAKES When moving towards your dreams you are going to make mistakes. Allow yourself a little space to make mistakes. When we have made a mistake that has affected another person, admit it, apologize, and move forward. We can make indirect amends by not making that same mistake again. I hope by me sharing this that you do not make the same mistake I made as well! Then, basically let go and let God do the rest. He raises us up to more than we can be everyday. I am utterly grateful for grace, for second chances, and love. I am going to go finish my work for the day and then go meet up with my amazing supportive wonderful family and my little girl for a birthday dinner. Sending hugs, high fives and pattern breaking ass slaps, Carolyn Rim oxox ![]()
Now that I have your attention... I am asking you to help me pay it forward on a rockstar kindness dare. FRIENDS FAMILY ...... This is my birthday present to me... PLEASE ACCEPT THIS ROCKSTAR KINDNESS DARE FOR THE NEXT 7 DAYS!!! <3<3<3
***Pretty please with a cherry and a dollop of whip on top?*** Let me ask you a question, and I want you to answer honestly: Do you really think you can make a difference in the world? If you're like most people, your answer was no. Well, guess what? You're probably wrong. Not only can you make a difference, you've probably had a far greater impact on way more people than you realize. The truth is that, to make a dent in the universe, you don't have to be Tony Robbins or Oprah. You don't have to directly influence hundreds of people. Just a handful can make a huge difference. No amount of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. Think about it. When one person influences a few others to be kind, there are two major effects: #1 A ripple effect that, over time, can actually impact thousands over generations. #2 A broadening effect since one person influences many, like multiplying tree branches. You have no idea how many people you can influence and help just by sharing your experiences, insights and stories! It's a far more generous thing than any material gift you can ever give. Here's an exercise for you. Think about all the people you may have had an impact on in your life. Employees, coworkers, bosses, vendors, customers, family, mentors, teachers, children, friends. Lots and lots of people. And they're just part of the equation. You may have influenced dozens of others without even realizing it. My birthday is in 7 days. Because of the amazing ripple of blessings I have had in my life over the past 2 years I want to give back in a BIG way. I am requesting everyone who follows me, watches me, and rocks with me, to do one act of random kindness everyday for the next 7 days and post the act of kindness in the www.Facebook.com/groups/sparkenergy/ !!! We can do great things, if only for a brief time. And most importantly, the impact of those actions - what we say and do - can reach far beyond our mortal selves. Over the past few months, I have received so many beautiful amazing gifts from people in the Spark Your Rockstar Community <3 and I want to PAY IT FORWARD! Imagine if 1000 people do one act of rockstar kindness everyday for the next 7 days and share about it? Can you imagine the ripple of love we would spread? ACTION STEPS: ♥—>#1 Post on the thread in the Spark Your Rockstar Community (click here to request to join if not a member yet: www.facebook.com/groups/SparkEnergy/ that you accept this ROCKSTAR KINDNESS DARE! ♥—>#2 For the next 7 Days we all perform 1 act of random kindness everyday and post at the end of the day in the rockstar group what your random act of kindness was for the day. Remember, no amount of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. Your kindness could help someone else in the world breathe a little easier and to me- there is no greater definition of success than to help another human being. It makes my heart smile thinking about all the people that helped me get to where I am today! ♥—>#3 Share on your person page this video asking friends and family to join you on this 9 Days of Rockstar Kindness Dare! Use hashtags #RockstarsKindnessDare #SparkYourRockstar #Day7 “In a gentle way, you can shake the world.” ― Mahatma Gandhi #AskYeShallReceive #SparkYourRockstar #RockstarKindnessDare CLICK THE HUGE RED BUTTON BELOW TO REQUEST TO JOIN THE ROCKSTAR COMMUNITY AND ACCEPT THIS ROCKSTAR KINDNESS DARE!!! www.CarolynRim.com www.SparkYourRockstar.com ![]() Today ---try not to take life so seriously. Everyday you are faced with hundreds of little traps that encourage you to take your life way too seriously. The frustrations can come in many forms such as money issues, slow internet connections, long wait times, people who drive at a snails pace, and endless to do lists. It's easy to get caught up in perpetual flow of decisions and events that make up our lives and to forget that most of the challenges we are faced with are only as stressful as we choose to let them be. So... Next time you are tempted to smash your computer or throw yourself a pity party or even lash out in a fit of road rage, (lol because we have all been there) remember not to take life so seriously. Take a deep breathe in and break the pattern! Live in a beautiful state of mind! Happiness and laughter is a choice, and genuinely happy people make the choice to be happy, everyday! It's possible to have a life filled to the brim with laughter, light and a positive outlook. You just have to make the decision too. Practice. Have a great rest of your Friday you amazing gifts to the universe! Sending hugs, high fives and pattern breaking ass slaps, Carolyn Rim America's Top Confidence Coach So my little girl said to me yesterday...
Kk: "Mom you are #2 on my list of people that I love." Me:"Thanks baby but who is #1?" Kk: "Myself." Me:"Yesssss!!!" We are not taught in our society how to love ourselves. We would live in a much different world if it did. But that's okay... That's why I came here. I realized the incredible importance of loving yourself unconditionally. Not just when you are your perfect shining self either. When your cooking totally rocks, you’re having one of those awesome hair days, you say the right things, you smash out your work and personal projects, you light up the room and bluebirds follow you everywhere singing Frank Sinatra "Come Fly with me." You have to love yourself on the bad days too. When you stuff up. Say the wrong things. Your curls won’t stay in. You’re exhausted. Anxious. Your fears keep you awake at night. You temporarily succumb to procrastination, drama and too much take-out. You are equally lovable at all times. You are worthy spiritual being having a human experience. You totally win at life simply by being here. In every moment you are fulfilling your destiny and purpose on earth - to be you, a unique and once-in-an-infinity collection of magic and energy. Why is unconditional self-love so important? Unconditional self-love gives you the strength and courage to try new things and to go after your dreams, because you have insurance - you know that no matter what the outcome, you love yourself deeply. It’s like a safety net if you ask me... a minimum height below which you will never fall. Knowing that you have your own back, knowing that your self-worth is not dependent on your success, drives you to try more because you’ve got nothing to lose - which in turn, leads to greater success. It’s a lot like the saying: success does not bring happiness; happiness brings success. I have learnt that success doesn’t bring self-love; self-love brings success. So go ahead... I dare you to fall head over heels in love with yourself today. Yeah... #totalrockstars in love❤ www.CarolynRim.com Are you ready to join the rockstar family yet? The place where dreams do come true? Request to join here: www.facebook.com/groups/SparkEnergy/ Recently Someone from my past reached out to me. It ended pretty badly between us about a year ago. It was someone who I initially hired to help with an event of mine but they ended up bailing on me and putting down my programs (even though he had never done them), me, my partners and my brand to everyone. That was about almost a year ago and this person contacted me recently and wanted to make up. I meditated about it and I decided that it would be nice to make up.
As soon as I got on the phone- this person started talking about all his issues- and I had never felt more grateful that this person was not in my life anymore. He started talking about others in a mean way (which I do not have time for gossip or drama and even if I did- that vibration doesn't work for me). He even called another human and I quote "A piece of shit." Wow. I literally had to cover my ears when he said that and asked him to stop talking like that. I do not surround myself with people who talk like this about another human being. I realized I had grown a lot over the year and I also realized this person hasn't grown at all. This person started talking about money and how much we would make together. Now- let me explain- this person has a huge audience!!! It was a huge opportunity he was offering and this person told me I could potentially make $150,000 for 2 months of my time. He was pushy and wanted to set dates and share audiences but I know in my heart I am not money motivated. Not only that... I genuinely care about my audience and who I partner with has a direct reflection on me, and must be at least a vibrational match to me or higher. You all know what I am talking about ... I'm talking about Good vibrations! (🎶🎶 Now you will have that song stuck in your head all day, your welcome lol). Plus In the past 18 months... Anytime I was focused solely on making money--- the event or projects ended up crumbling. Now- please understand, I make money and it continues to flow in avalanches to me as long as I do what I love and focus on giving from my heart. I remembered in my mind back a year ago how mad I was when this person told me I was Un resourceful and that my business would fail because of me. He said very mean things about me. I will tell you, him telling me I couldn't do it, only fueled me more to want to prove him wrong that I could do it. I am thankful for this person because he served me in valuable ways and I learned a lot from our exchanges. I ended up telling this person that I appreciated them reaching out but at this time I was laser focused on my goals and needed to continue to focus my energy and commitment to things I had already committed myself too. He kept pushing about partnering and finally I realized I had to block this person again. I will say that this is not me talking down about his person, because I believe deep down all people are good. I believe hurt people hurt people- but that doesn't make it right or wrong it just is what it's is. My only reason for telling you this is I learned a valuable lesson from it. The lesson here is everything that is happening is always for your highest good. When someone leaves you, or when the universe removes someone from your life, whether that be in a relationship or in a business, thank the universe. Start having a belief that everything is happening to help elevate you to get what you want and desire. Dreams do come true when you be who you are and do what love. The universe is on your side and has your back and is always working in your favor! Trust your gut instincts and listen to your heart... Because when you follow your heart... Every moment is like an encounter with God. You have a beautiful destiny awaiting you ... Now Leave all the drama and negative shit behind you! Lol peace out Girl and boy Scouts! Go have a b e a utiful day! Sending you hugs, high fives and BLISSFUL Pattern breaking ass slaps, Carolyn Rim AKA America's Top Confidence Coach Request to the Rockstar Family... Where dreams do come true... CLICK THE RED BUTTON BELOW Have you ever woken up one morning and thought to yourself, this is it? Is this all there is?
This is all life is about? This can't be it. 18 months ago... I thought to myself .... LIFE is boring and unchallenging and unfulfilling. I hated myself, I hated my past, I hated my job and what I had become. HECK... I was just part of the masses and why did I matter anyway. Work. Eat. Sleep. Sleep. Work. Eat. Sleep. I felt like I was in a deep end job lost in a rinse and repeat cycle of the same day over and over and over again. I wanted to die to be honest. I would rather die than spend another minute in this cube I thought. Hanging around with people that told me my dreams were impossible and that it was just safer to stay here. I still remember the question my husband at the time had asked me, "Why can't you just be happy with the way thing are?" He didn't understand that I felt like my soul as dying. I literally felt like I was dying within and to be honest I was. Then I found Tony Robbins and the tools he gave me to implement. Simple tools that anyone could do. I did them daily and I modeled him and Joseph Mcclendon. Using the all the tools I slowly over the past 18 months rewired my brain. I sought out a monk and worked with her relentlessly to learn how to relax and tap into the energy, to the chi. All of sudden, I felt alive again. I felt challenged by going for something that others will only ever dream about but I took the leap and I did with child like faith that I would be able to build the bridge. I meant a group of people that changed my life forever. I fell in love with myself and this process we call life. NOW, I am showing other people how to do it with my 99 day dare ... but I decided to take it even further. What if I could condense it all into a 30 day rewiring process? What if all I needed from people was 15 mins a day? https://www.sparkyourrockstar.com/30-day-rewire.html ARE YOU READY TO REWIRE YOUR BRAIN? What if I told you that you could program yourself to be wealthy, healthy, successful and happy? What if I told that I could re program your brain in 30 days and by using simply tools and techniques such as visualization, incantations, and meditations? What I told that I found the secret that will help bridge the gap from where you now to where you want to be? How much would that be worth to you? 1000's? 100's? Well you are in luck... Right now ... This 30 day program is UNLIKE ANY PROGRAM ON THE MARKET!!! I will be meditating LIVE everyday at 12pm noon with you in a secret fb group! Sounds like magic? Yes it is!!!! You can create the star dust and sparkle in your life too. You can wake up with more immense joy than you ever thought possible? You are a loud speaking sending out vibrations and every time you send out frustration angry or struggle....guess what you attract more of? Allow me to help you tap in and send out waves of love, magic, happiness, wealth, and health. Yes with this program many many many lives will be shifted forever!!! CLAIM YOUR SPOT INTO THE LIVE STEAMED 30 DAY MEDITATION! THIS IS THE ONE AND ONLY TIME I WILL BE DOING THIS PROGRAM LIVE LIKE THIS SO JOIN ME TODAY!!! https://www.sparkyourrockstar.com/30-day-rewire.html Here is just a FRACTION of what people are saying about the some of meditations, visualizations and programs already: "I love being present each day with like minded souls, I love the energy, the support, the friendliness, the love, the laughs, the daily dares, and the progress = happiness in my world and the ripple effect I'm having on others. I love the blessings I am getting since I opened myself up to receiving in one of the meditations." ~Sean Lynch "I can feel myself transforming even more and this dare is helping me to realize my inner strength and how Powerful I Am!!" ~ Jovie J Sumner "These meditations are incredible and I can see and feel a difference already. During our meditation portion my son woke up and nuzzled initially behind me and as I remained focused he crawled around towards the front and I immediately embraced him and finished off the meditation with him curled in my arms. We've been having extreme challenges in the mornings getting ready for school and my patience had been diminishing. This morning while still challenging, I found myself to remain calm, speaking to him more from a place of love and play rather than stress and frustration. I can't thank you enough." ~Angelica Mercado "I have to thank you Carolyn Rim for creating this AWESOME platform!! I haven't been able to be on in the mornings, but I replay and do the meditations at night. I too feel this new angel presence of calmness and patience with my kids. The truth is that as there mom...I truly do dictate the mood in the house...at first I came to be resentful of this responsibility and now... I'm humbled for this gift. Thank you all for helping change the negative noise in my head and for being the change I needed!!! Carolyn Rim, because of you I've made lifetime friend's...genuine, REAL women and men! I'm so honored I got to meet you and all your spark.. It's electric!!" ~Christina Simmons "Thanks to this amazing dare I have had the opportunity to connect to likeminded people. Here I found the caring, enthusiastic and loving soul of Carolyn Rim. Almost 3 months ago I joined her first 99 day dare program and for me that is the difference as I'm ending this year and starting the new one: full of gratitude, peace, happiness and a vision for myself. I'm looking forward to start the new 99 day dare in January first. Definitely life will never be the same." --Paola Aguirre Fuentes "Each call, each meditation, each day, I get closer to my core and am unleashing the inner power and fire that I've been stuffing down for way too long. I also love the amazing energy that I feel from all of the souls together!" ~Debbie Pace "You folks bring so much energy and positivity! I've been working out and training for my next race, but I've still been struggling with procrastination and self doubt. This dare is about not only me, but my family. I'm going to be the best husband and father I can be and make my family proud!Surrounded with a positive peer group has helped shift my focus and just be the best possible version of myself!" ~Jim Sturgill "It's like I have been reborn into this incredible new life!!! I LOVE the morning meditations, I LOVE connecting with everyone here and all the amazing energy!! I LOVE the dares and I feel like I have finally found "home" where I can truly be ME!!!! So now I am living from this space each and every day, emerging from a "sleep" that I was in and transforming into this beautiful butterfly. I feel so alive, so connected and so vibrant with so much JOY!!!" ~Ariel Michael "I love how I'm connecting to myself through self exploration and through the connection of everyone in this group. The more I learn about others, the more I'm learning about myself. I LOVE Carolyn Rim and her energy! I just feel more alive since joining this group!! I feel like I've found "home." ~Marci 'Turowski' Ebbens "This dare makes me feel like my heart is home." ~ Sivan Nathan "Love the visualizations, meditations, and sharing 3 wins with my accountability buddies. It makes me feel excited about life. Thanks all!" ~Michele Santo "I love how this dare is making me feel like I am getting pulled into my transformation, rather than being pushed ..... When u surround yourself with the right people ..... Magic happens." ~Lori Cal "I love knowing that there are so many other superstars out there who want to grow and improve and make the world better, just like me! I love the morning calls which set me up in deep deep gratitude for the whole day. I love the dares!! I so look forward to finding out what is next. I love the FB group and all the posts which are inspirational and heartwarming and full of real proof that this stuff really works! I love my new tribe! I can't say enough! Something pulled me into this (my angels/guides?) and I am so thankful. So happy." ~Milli Abrams "I love the energy and positive, forward-looking, outlook everyone has. I love the daily attention to beauty. I love the connection with my brilliant Butterfly accountability buddies." ~ Jennifer Lynch "This is my second dare. Carolyn Rim you are so right, it is getting better and better. I feel my vibrational level going up and I feel the love in my heart. I am utterly grateful." ~ Beth Komisar "The unbelievable F#cking Speed and Level of Change and Enlightenment going on in our home and life!! Plus, all you super amazing new people we are connecting with! 😘 Carolyn Rim ...You Freakin Rock!" ~Andrea Hafford Meilleurr "I love my accountability partners. Also love love Carolyn Rim's visualizations and of course Joseph Mcclendon!" Helen Maffinii "I love feeling connected. I like reading about people's journeys and hearing their success stories in the secret facebook group. It really can make a believer out of you. Most of all, I like dancing with my dog and Carolyn Rim at the end of the call!" Barbara Tye And the list goes on and on and on .... Many people are getting transformations, tickets to upw, opportunities to meet others, starting their own business an most of all.,... People are getting the love. They are creating the belief that they are worthy of their dreams coming true. They are creating the belief that they are worth love and deserve to be happy. They are literally having a spiritual awakening and looking into the eyes of their creator and realizing just how magnificent they are and they too are a co creator and they were born to create, to love, to fucking unleash!!!! I get so passionate about this... you must understand that when you are tapped in, tuned in and powered on... You no longer have to be pushed. You are pulled towards your dreams like a magnet... I dare you to join me for 30 days ... NO ONE ELSE IS DOING LIVE STREAMED MEDITATIONS IN A FB GROUP... COME REWIRE YOUR BRAIN and AWAKEN TO THE GIFT WITHIN!!! ONLY 50 SPOTS OPEN IN THIS ONE!!! ALREADY 25 SPOTS HAVE BEEN TAKEN!!! LIFE WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN! https://www.sparkyourrockstar.com/30-day-rewire.html I am back on only because I am needing to post this before earth day is over. I went today and did heated yoga and got a mani and pedi. You may think that is simple right? Whats the big deal? So what, Carolyn? You got a mani and pedi, no big deal.
But this one was significant because for the last year I have not been able to afford a mani and pedi. Hell less than 5 weeks ago I almost lost my house. From almost losing my house to becoming a platinum partner al because I was able to see the value I provided for others. Don't get me wrong it was not that simple for I know I had many steps, heartbreaks, crazy karma and lifetimes to get to where I am. As I was sitting in the chair getting my feet rubbed, I thought to myself I am so grateful! I was laughing and crying and the people at the salon were laughing with me as I kept saying I am so grateful for all of you, they smiled and told me they missed me. I said your beautiful to woman doing my pedi and she lite up and smiled. I dare you today to tell someone they are beautiful and watch their response. Tell someone they are beautiful and their whole soul smiles. Tell them your grateful for them. I have had so much transformation in the past 18 months I don't even know how to explain all the dark moments when I thought I wasn't going to make it. I realized though, all the resistance I had was my own. I started doing small things daily that changed me. I started eating healthy, working out and most of all I started meditating. Actually I have now held over 300 meditations with over 300 groups of over 50 to 100 people everyday for the past year. Tony Robbins always says what you think is easy to someone else is what someone else spent hours and hours and hours practicing behind closed doors. I feel so alive with love in my heart. For everyone reading this smile, I request that you smile. WE are all just lost boys in neverland who are set free to find our way home. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. I am so grateful. I just cant seem to stop the tears from falling but this time they are not sad tears, they are tears of immense joy and bliss. I am home. Its funny I am all alone in my house right now but have never felt more love and connection in my life. My God, its just, the world we live in is beautiful. All of us are here for a purpose and I am here to change the world. I say that with every fiber of my being. I am going to push the human race forward with my beautiful fucking energy and we will expand. We will grow. We will dance and we will love. We will live and We will die and we will all again, be like like the star dust sprinkled in the sky. I love you to the moon and back. I love you right for where you are. This earth day is significant. Tonight in my mind... I wrapped my arms around the earth and I gave it hug. I imagined I hugged it with my whole heart. I sent love to the world. We all can make a difference. Do me a favor promise me you will go hug a tree? Even if you think its weird and silly, (I once did) just go hug a tree for earth day. Who cares if people laugh at you, who cares if they make fun of you...just keep being the sunshine. Keep smiling at people who don't smile back, they are the ones that need the smile the most. I am forever grateful. I am expanding to the next level of who I am and I am so grateful you all were part of my journey. Cheers to pixie dust, to neverland, to all the mean captain hooks of the world, to the trees, the flowers, to the love in our smiling hearts. We are souls. This lifetime will flash by for us like a lightening bolt in the sky. For now I understand, for now I see the light and I don't care who knows and I dont care who judges. I am who I am. I am not what you want me to be. I am who I am and I am a rockstar! Tonight is a night that goes down in history. Why? Because I just wrote the last page of my book and this post is it. This is the last page to the book. Its my spiritual awakening to the gift that I am. Its my story how I fell in love with myself and the world. I am sending you love right now. Can you see and feel my smile? Anything is possible my friends... anything is possible when you allow your heart to lead you. Before you open in your eyes in tomorrow morning... open your heart. Once the heart is open... thats when the magic happens. You have the magic within you my friends. My wish for you is that you see you just how magnificent you truly are in this lifetime or the next. To the moon Alice ... To the moon, Carolyn Rim Ps Are you part of the rockstar community yet? Request to join the rockstar community. Why? Because dreams do come true and this community is where the possible becomes the possible. You have a choiceYou have a choice to allow the words I am about to say and the message that I am about to say to enter your mind and really allow it seep in like water to a sponge. Or, you can just read this message and then get off and do the same shit that you always do.
So you have a choice. Right? There is always that choice and right now I am just so inspired to tell you it is not easy to get to where you are to where you want to be. Whoever is out there saying that oh its easy its peach keen, it’s awesome, yea no, "it’s very very simple," it’s a lie. It’s not authentic its bullshit, I am sorry that I am cursing, I just, I get so passionate. I am so passionate about my dream, I am so passionate about making this happen, about getting my message out to people that we need more compassion and love in the world. We need more compassion and understanding. We need more people who believe in themselves, we need more people who believe in themselves so their children believe in themselves. Who do you think is watching you right now? Your children, your husband, your wife, your family, your co workers, and I know you don’t think about this kind of stuff, but you are setting an example for those in your life. Everyone is watching you and you know imagine if you weren’t here? All the people that you have talked to, all the people that you have touched, right. Think about it, think about how valuable you really are, your soul really is. It can't be begged, borrowed, or bought. Its your inherent value and Its your birthright. I truly believe that we were all born for a purpose, all of us we all have a mission in life. And we can either choose to listen to that and follow that because I believe in our curiosity and our passion, that is where all the answers lie. That is where, if you give yourself permission to dream big and starting thinking about your life and all the opportunities for love, joy and fulfillment you have!" I was on a call today and Missy Loy who is probably reading this, (love you Missy if you are...) She said that I have childlike faith and it almost brought me to tears because I do, I do have childlike faith. I believe with my whole soul, I believe that with every fibre of my being that I am going to make it. I don’t care how it’s going to be done, right but I really need to get that message across that it’s not going to be easy just to go out there and make it happen. Its not going to be easy to recreate who you really want to be. You are in a battle in your mind. "Okay, is it worth it, is it not worth it? Do I keep moving forward? It would be so easy just to give up now and say that least least I tried. Do I know, do I believe in myself or do I not? You are such a joke. You think you can change the world?! HAAH! You are cattle. You are part of the masses. You will need stand out and your voice will fall on deaf ears. You are joke. Lets look at the past shall we? You are not the hero." Its like you are in that constant angel and devil on your shoulder right, and you have got to know that the more you push forward the voice that no longer serves you dissolves. Why? Because its not the voice of your true self or that of your creator. I don’t have that bad voice inside anymore that says that it’s not possible, that’s says that I can’t. That says you know it’s impossible, I just don’t it’s not there. I have faith that if I take the jump, if I take the leap that something will catch me. I don’t know what it is but I know that something is going to catch me because it has, it just has, my whole life. Think about your whole life and all the times that you were scared that you wouldn’t make it or something would happen. Think about all the little miracles that have happened in your life, think about it. Think about all those beautiful miracles, think about them right now, breathe them in. You have a choice today, to say, "I am going to go out there and make today amazing." I am going to light everybody up that I see, I am going to spread smiles everywhere and I am going to show people what it means to shine bright. I am going to smile through the bullshit that I am going through in my life. I am not going to spread negativity, I am going to inspire people with it. I am going to make my pain my prize. I am going to make something terrible that happened to me, I am going to make that my gift, I am going to make that the best thing that ever happened to me. Because all my painful moments they weren’t for nothing, they made me who I am today. All those horrible moments that were so painful that I had to struggle through, they weren’t for nothing. I went through them because I had to, I had to go through those painful moments to make me who I am today and I am so inspired to share that with you that you know if you think that it’s going to be easy, if you think that success is going to be easy, it’s not. But just know that the universe is on your side and that everyday there are angels surrounding us, I truly believe that. That there are angels surrounding you and you never know when you are going to meet one that has the right message for you. So with that said, go today and just really be aware, be aware of the people around you and what they are saying and just know that it’s possible. Whatever you want... you don’t have to say right away "I am definitely going to do it" but just say...." it’s possible." Keep saying that. "It's Possible." Go ahead allow yourself to ponder on all the magnificent miracles and all the possibilities in your life at this very moment. You being in the world makes a tremendous difference! Be kind to yourself and to others. Be compassionate and most of all, know that from the moment you take your first deep breath into this world to the moment you take you last... you are so loved. Sending you hugs, high fives, and pattern breaking ass slaps, Carolyn Rim Aka Americas Top Confidence Coach Shout out to Michelle S. Royal who is working on a coloring book for me and a children's book. I told her my image in my mind with wings and instead of everyone behind me.... They are all beside me! Spread your wings!
Who is ready for a bedtime story? I had a man read to me a few months ago. It wasn't in a sexual way. He just read to me and it was one of the most intimate experiences of my life. I decided I wanted others to feel this form of love. Something so simple as having someone read to me made me light up inside like a Christmas Tree. So I will ask you again... When is the last time someone read to you? Well... I will be your huckleberry. And I will be your mother goose. "To the moon Alice... To the moon."
Spark Your Rockstar